(02) Copy the text from the video in a side of your paper sheet...
--the text from the video, writen on the walls, in the air, in different colours--
(o3) And then, try to complete the song (just English lyrics)...
(04) Do you know what's the song about in English? Can you translate it into Catalan language?
AN ICT ACTIVITY --Can You Do It...?--
Can you find the written pieces of the lyrics that appear in the video?
AN ICT ACTIVITY --Can You Do It...?--
Can you find the written pieces of the lyrics that appear in the video?
(1) Look for the lyrics of the song -written text- in the video...
(2) Copy the screen...
(3) Paste the screen in a drawing program or text processor...
(4) Reduce the picture...
(5 -OPTION a-) Print, and stick in your notebook, next to the lyrics.
(5 -OPTION b-) Put all the pictures together in a paper sheet, and add the lyrics in English, using the text processor.
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